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CPR is a statutory requirement according to the Work Environment Agency's Statutory Collection - AFS 1999: 7 where all Swedish workplaces must have knowledge of CPR and first aid. The program can be adapted to specific business requirements. In the training CPR with a defibrillator, course participants gain knowledge and training in CPR and how to handle a defibrillator. The course provides good knowledge in both theoretical and practical aspects with practice dummies and practice defibrillators, as well as how to act in the event of an airway arrest. We also have customized CPR & First Aid training for children. To avoid the spread of infection, we follow guidelines from the Public Health Agency and have now made it possible to train CPR digitally.


In the event of a fire or other critical situation, all workplaces must be able to be evacuated. During an evacuation drill, the staff gets the opportunity to try out their escape routes and see how the organization works in practice. Deficiencies often emerge that can provide a basis for improvement measures. The exercise normally begins with a briefing with the fire protection officer and the evacuation officers at the company. We go through the upcoming evacuation and what is important to know. After that, those responsible return to their workplaces and the exercise begins. In planning evacuation drills, we go through: If they are to be extras in the office, toilet, etc If it is to be, smoke is simulated somewhere (we then have a smoke machine) If at the same time it is to simulate injured persons, cardiac arrest, etc. If the staff should be informed about the exercise in advance. The evacuation leaders must help with the evacuation and report to the company's evacuation manager if personnel have evacuated the premises and gathered at the respective assembly point. After the exercise, the participants gather for follow-up and exchange of experiences. The result is discussed and improvement measures are taken where there have been problems or shortcomings. Parallel to the exercise, fire extinguishing can be practiced with fire extinguishers against fires and fire blankets against burning objects.



The basic knowledge course alternates between theoretical and practical elements that give you good knowledge to prevent fires where the participants also get to practice extinguishing. In the Accident Protection Act, a large responsibility for fire protection lies with the individual company and its employees. This means that everything necessary to prevent a fire from occurring is the responsibility of the company. Course content: Legislation The Act on Protection against Accidents - LSO Review of alarm routines and action plan at your workplace or association Fire knowledge How a fire starts - the "Fire Triangle" Fire progress Assessments Acting Fire prevention measures Fire hazards Fire causes Building technical fire protection Fire cells Escape routes Emergency routes Fire alarm/Evacuation alarm Alarm 112 Practical steps: Practical handling with fire extinguishers Demonstration with cookware Extinguishing fires in clothing in various situations After the training, all participants are awarded a training certificate. The program can be adapted to specific business requirements. In parallel with the fire course, you can have evacuation drills with the staff.

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